

Should you experience that the Multiview app crashes on a regular basis, the new version supports crashDumps that can help our developers to find out what is causing it. The crash dumps don't contain the memory per default, that can be changed by changing "FullCrashDumps" to true in the settings.json file. You find this file in the %AppData%\Roaming\BirdDog Multiview folder.

Mac users will have to use a script to run the MV app that should produce core dumps if the MV app crash. Download the compressed script first from the BirdDog web page, "" and unzip it.


1. Go to the folder where the script is saved using terminal.
2. Type chmod +x
3. Run the script ./ (that opens the Muliview application).
4. Dumps are saved in the /cores folder so cd /cores to get to it.


For macOS users we have also created a watchdog script that will automatically restart the MV app should it crash. Download the compressed script from the BirdDog Web page, "" and unzip it. 


1. goto the folder where the script is saved using terminal.
2. typs chmod +x
3. run the script ./ enable (to start the auto start, and "disable" to stop it)


NOTE: Remember that this will auto restart the MV app no matter what cause it to stop, also a normal quit so if you actaully do want to quit the MV app you have to run the script again with the disable param.

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