Symptoms of MCU Update Failure Sometimes, when attempting the MCU portion of the firmware update for our P-Series cameras, the MCU update does not complete properly. There are a few things that may indicate an unsuccessful MCU update: The MCU number ...
If your BirdDog P-Series camera isn’t showing the correct color settings when it starts up, don’t worry! The steps below will help you fix the issue quickly. Start Your Camera Turn on your camera and wait for it to finish its start-up process. Adjust ...
It has been commonly reported that after updating to the latest version of the firmware for the P200, users may be able to see the NDI signal (Studio Monitor), but not able to control the PTZ movements. This is due to the baseboard not updating ...
After updating to firmware version 5.5.116, users may find that HDMI or SDI outputs are not functioning, while NDI output remains operational. The firmware update to version 5.5.116 changes the default setting for the Output Mode in the AV Setup tab ...
Firmware updates are essential for keeping your BirdDog camera up-to-date with the latest features, optimizations, and security improvements. However, after installing new firmware, some settings may conflict with the previous configurations or may ...